Upcoming Reminders
WWII Test - Feb 2nd
WWII Review Guide Assignment
Jan 29th HOMEWORK - DUE Jan 31st - U6D7
Today we studied the END OF WWII. Use the PPT and Worksheet to complete the notes. Next time we will be completing the Review for the test next week.
Jan 23rd HOMEWORK - DUE Jan 25th - U6D6
Today we began talking about the events of the Holocaust. Mrs. Morris shared a video and survivor story and shared some facts about the holocaust. Then students were to read 5-6 of the Holocaust Victim Stories and create ANYTHING that would represent one of those stories or their feelings on the Holocaust. This could be a poem, song lyrics, picture, letter, diagram, etc. ANYTHING. You cannot really do this assignment wrong. It just needs to come from the heart. Every student will be presenting these to the class next time! Come prepared.

holocaust_survivor_and_victim_cards_.pdf | |
File Size: | 5815 kb |
File Type: |
Jan 17th HOMEWORK - DUE Jan 19th - U6D5
Today we studied 4 major European Battles. If you were absent, you need to ask Mrs. Morris for a copy of the Battles Articles and use the PPT below to look at different images/maps from each of the battles. You also need to watch the four Battle Clips. Complete the notes using those resources.
January 12th HOMEWORK - DUE Jan 17th- U6D4
Today we studied how the war affected the HOMEFRONT. We first completed a packet and then studied Japanese Internment...
HOMEWORK - FINISH the Japanese Internment articles and worksheet. DUE Tuesday, Jan 17th. If you were absent - Use the documents below and the Video to complete the notes sheet on Japanese Internment. The video below is of the Government Newsreel we watched in class about the Governments reasons for Japanese Internment. If you were absent, use this video to help complete the BEIGE Notes packet. **There are 2 separate worksheet for todays lesson!!! |
January 10th HOMEWORK - DUE Jan 12th - U6D3
Today we studied how the US inched their way towards war and the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Use the lecture notes to complete the front half of the note sheet and the PPT on Pearl Harbor to learn about its attack.
Please listen to the FDR speech on the Declaration of War.
HOMEWORK -- Then, GOOGLE the events of the DOOLITTLE RAIDS! (Think - Who? What? When? Where? Why? Significance?)
Please listen to the FDR speech on the Declaration of War.
HOMEWORK -- Then, GOOGLE the events of the DOOLITTLE RAIDS! (Think - Who? What? When? Where? Why? Significance?)
January 8th Homework - DUE Jan 10th - U6D2
Use the PPT and Documents below to complete this lesson! (We didn't finish this today - so we will finish it next class period!)
It Begins Documents A, B, C, D, & E --> Download File HERE
Use the PPT and Documents below to complete this lesson! (We didn't finish this today - so we will finish it next class period!)
It Begins Documents A, B, C, D, & E --> Download File HERE
Jan 4th HOMEWORK - DUE Jan 8th - U6D1
Today we began WWII by talking about the RISE OF DICTATORS IN EUROPE! Use the notes sheet, PPT, and Textbook PDF to complete the assignment.
Please Disregard the information BELOW...it is from last year!
Please Disregard the information BELOW...
it is from last year!
Term 3 Test REVIEW!!!
February 26th HOMEWORK - DUE March 3rd
1. STUDY!!!!! Cold War in Europe test on Thursday!
2. Make 25 note cards based off the study guide
3. The final draft of your essay is due on Thursday. If you didn't get your peer edits back, come see me early next week!
4. Finally, some good news. Since you have a lot to do for me by Thursday, and there aren't very many anyway, I decided to collect the journals from this unit with unit 8. Here are the prompts from this unit anyway.
2. Make 25 note cards based off the study guide
3. The final draft of your essay is due on Thursday. If you didn't get your peer edits back, come see me early next week!
4. Finally, some good news. Since you have a lot to do for me by Thursday, and there aren't very many anyway, I decided to collect the journals from this unit with unit 8. Here are the prompts from this unit anyway.
February 24th HOMEWORK - DUE February 26th
1. Finish your peer edits of the Cold War Essay and bring them on Friday
2. Start studying for your test next week - Study Guide
2. Start studying for your test next week - Study Guide
February 22nd Homework - DUE February 24th
1. Use these documents (1, 2, 3) and this video to answer the questions on the back of your purple note sheet
2. Get started on your peer edits of the Cold War essay. If you didn't turn in a rough draft, bring it on Wednesday!
2. Get started on your peer edits of the Cold War essay. If you didn't turn in a rough draft, bring it on Wednesday!
February 18th Homework - DUE February 22nd
1. Have a rough draft of your Cold War essay prepared for class on Monday. We'll be swapping papers to do some peer editing, so if you don't have it done, it will hurt your grade twice!
February 5th Homework - DUE February 9th
1. Extra Assignment (worth 2 bonus points) - divide these political cartoons between the Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine. Answer the last question on your yellow note sheet.
2. Answer the questions in your green DBQ packet and write the introduction and outline for your essay (Instructions on the PowerPoint from class under the "Notes and PowerPoints" tab).
2. Answer the questions in your green DBQ packet and write the introduction and outline for your essay (Instructions on the PowerPoint from class under the "Notes and PowerPoints" tab).
February 3rd Homework- DUE Fri, February 5th
Here is a link a document I made, giving you the prompts for the journals since I took over the class. It doesn't look super pretty, but at least you can make up anything that you missed. I'll have you turn in your journals on Friday, so I can get them graded over the weekend, and get them back to you for the next unit.
January 11th HOMEWORK - DUE January 13th - U6D1
Jan 5th HOMEWORK - DUE Jan 13th
New Deal Sourcing Assessment
Analyze 6 documents about the New Deal and it's successes or failures and complete the chart. Then write a claim answering the question... "Was the New Deal Successful?" The 6 documents are found to the right and below. |
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
Feb 3rd HOMEWORK - DUE Feb 5th
STUDY STUDY STUDY for WWII EXAM! Review the PPT and the review sheet to help study!

wwii_review_game_2014.pptx | |
File Size: | 266 kb |
File Type: | pptx |

unit_6_-_wwii_review.docx | |
File Size: | 92 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Jan 28th HOMEWORK - DUE Feb 2nd - U6D7
Today in class we watched a clip on D-Day and wrapped up the European Battles.
Then, we did a simulation activity to help understand the strategy of Island Hopping in the Pacific Theatre. Make sure you grab those notes and ask Mrs. Morris how to complete them!
Then, we did a simulation activity to help understand the strategy of Island Hopping in the Pacific Theatre. Make sure you grab those notes and ask Mrs. Morris how to complete them!
January 26th HOMEWORK - DUE Jan 28th - U6D6
January 20th HOMEWORK - DUE Jan 22nd - U6D4
ONLY IF YOU WERE ABSENT TODAY - complete the following!
You need to complete the HOME FRONT assignment (found below) You were assigned a number. Please read the section that corresponds with your number and then summarize the main points in 5 bullet points.
You need to complete the HOME FRONT assignment (found below) You were assigned a number. Please read the section that corresponds with your number and then summarize the main points in 5 bullet points.

the_home_front_note-assignment_sheet.docx | |
File Size: | 36 kb |
File Type: | docx |
1. WOMEN pg 728-730
"Women Gain Ground" "Women in the Defense Plants" 2. AFRICAN AMERICANS pg 730-731 "African Americans Demand War Work" "Racism Leads to Violence" 3. MEXICANS pg 730-732 "Mexican Farmers" "Zoot Suit Riots" |
4. JAPANESE pg 732
"Japanese American Relocation" 5. WAGES & RATIONING pg 734-735 "Wage and price controls" "Blue Points, Red Points" "Victory Gardens" 6. War Bonds pg 735 "Paying for the War" |
Feb 6th/7th HOMEWORK - DUE Feb 10th/11th
Feb 4th/5th HOMEWORK - DUE Feb 6th/7th
No Homework -
Start studying for the WWII TEST - Coming up on THURSDAY AND FRIDAY THIS WEEK!
Start studying for the WWII TEST - Coming up on THURSDAY AND FRIDAY THIS WEEK!
Use the PPT below to finish any notes if you were absent :)