Please refer to Mrs. Holt's Class Website for links to all the videos of the Presidents. If you were absent, this is the best way to get the information that you missed in class.
Presidential Profiles
Throughout the school year, we will be learning about each President of the United States. Using the Presidential Profile note sheet provided below, we will take notes on the Presidents during class time. We will study the presidents that correspond with the unit we are working on as a class. At the end of the school year (in May) you will turn in your Presidential Profile Packet for points. If at any time you are absent during class when we take notes on a certain president, or if you lose your packet, you are responsible for looking up the information on your own. This can be done through your textbook, the Internet ( is a good resource), or finding History Channel's The Presidents videos. You will also be taking a test on these presidents at the end of the school year. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Presidential Profile Papers Download File
Unit 1: Review Beginnings (1400-1877)
We will not be doing Presidential Profiles for this unit
Unit 2: America Enters the Modern Age (1865-1900)
Presidential Profiles 19. Hayes - 24. Cleveland
Unit 3: Becoming a World Power (1900-1919)
Presidential Profiles 25. McKinley - 28. Wilson
Unit 4: The Roaring Twenties/Jazz Age (1920-1929)
Presidential Profiles 29. Harding - 30. Coolidge
Unit 5: Great Depression/New Deal (1930-1940)
Presidential Profiles 31. Hoover - 32. Roosevelt
Unit 6: WWII (1940-1950)
32. Roosevelt - 33. Truman
Unit 7: Cold War Politics Europe and Middle East (1950-1980)
Presidential Profiles
Unit 8: Cold War Politics Asia and Latin America (1950-1980)
Presidential Profiles
Unit 9: Domestic Upheaval (1950-1980)
Presidential Profiles
Unit 10: Contemporary America (1980-Present)
Presidential Profiles 40. Reagan - 44. Obama